Christmas message From Trisha Tannis, chairman, Barbados Private Sector Association:
As a nation, we have endured unprecedented challenges during the past year. Businesses, investors, employers and employees alike are still negotiating and grappling with disrupted trading and the existential reality that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is unlikely to recede quickly.
Families, in particular those who have lost loved ones, continue to deal with circumstances that may have negatively impacted family life. Nevertheless, together, we have come thus far and no doubt, we will all give thanks to be able to mark another Christmas Day.
At this Christmas time, let us make a special effort to share a word of encouragement to ourselves and to those in our sphere of influence; words that will lift our spirits, not only for a day, but which would cause us to be inspired to move forward with hope, resilience and faith; words that would cause us to maintain a positive outlook for a future of great possibilities and bright opportunities.
There is no better reward than to share the gift of kindness and love with our fellow men who may be in special need due to circumstances beyond their control. May we each be vigilant to identify and satisfy the needs around us as the giver of these good gifts.
Let’s remember the reason for the season and make every effort to be an expression of that reason.
On behalf of the Barbados Private Sector Association, may you have a peace-filled Christmas, and may we face the New Year with hope, expectancy and a renewed sense of purpose.