This piece of art in Heroes Square has raised a few eyebrows as people wondered about its significance.
It is entitled NAG and represents Barbados’ National Art Gallery, or lack thereof.
Artist Heather-Dawn Scott is among the creatives calling for a National Art Gallery so the works of Barbadians can be on display and not in storage. On two occasions last year, she mounted protests, calling on Government to move ahead with the opening.
Block A at the Garrison was designated to be the home of Barbadian art. The keys were handed over in July 2020, but nothing has been done. The National Art Gallery Act was passed on October 1, 2009.
Meanwhile, NAG rests on the plinth of the old statue of Lord Nelson in The City.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for Culture, Senator Dr Shantal Munro-Knight, said the replacement piece should be installed there by Independence.
“I’m not going to give you a date in November, but we are working towards November. You can understand the significance of November for Barbados and having that monument unveiled at that particular time,” she said during last week’s post-Cabinet press conference.
A monument paying tribute to the Barbadian family entitled We Loyal Sons And Daughters, was given the nod of approval by Cabinet. It was designed by Vincent Jones and Hugh Holder and emerged victorious from the entries received during a six-month competition. (SAT)