Armstrong touts national mental health policy

If the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) candidate for St George South, Dawn-Marie Armstrong, has her way, there will be a psychologist in every community centre around the island.

A newcomer to the political arena, Armstrong spoke Wednesday night at the DLP’s campaign launch in Checker Hall, St Lucy, and one of the ideas she is offering is a new mental health policy for all of Barbados.

Armstrong who has a degree in sports psychology spoke about how crime and violence has taken a toll not only to offenders but how it could also affect mothers and fathers in households. She also believes that there could also be a rise in domestic abuse but there were no figures to support that. She then promised that if elected she would create a whole mental health policy.

“Barbadians need to know that they can go into a safe space and speak to a person in confidence about their issues,” she said.

She also turned her attention to the National Youth Policy that was brought by the Barbados Labour Party. She believes the document was not nonpartisan because a lot of the youth weren’t consulted in the generating of the policy.

“When you are speaking about the youth you have to realise that each demographic is different.  You created a youth policy without getting into communities and mobilising youth support.

“How many of our young people were engaged before this draft was laid out? And how many can say or even take ownership for this policy that is set to better their lives?”

Babb decries state of Stadium

DLP candidate for St Peter Alwyn Babb (Picture by Lennox Devonish)

Meanwhile, Democratic Labour Party candidate for the constituency of St Peter, Alwyn Babb, who is another newcomer to the political arena, talked about the lack of a National Stadium after so much time.

Babb who is known for his accolades in track and field as a national coach, decried the state of the facility.

“We have had some debates in this country about the National Stadium and today in 2022, instead of this country having a discussion about building a second facility, we are caught up in a debate about where we are going to put the first,” he pointed out.

Babb also believes his experience in the school system – he has been Physical Education teacher for more than 25 years – and in athletics in Barbados, will help bridge the gap of sharing information and making decisions with some of the shareholders of sports in Barbados.

“Sometimes when I speak to my fellow coaches and teachers we are confused because decisions are made in sports without discussion or consultation,” he said, adding if elected, he would be able to help not only explain but consider both the athletes and teachers/coaches in all decisions. (AC)

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