Shakeem rules Easter tennis

Young road tennis sensation Shakeem Nurse showed his immense talent by winning the 16 to 21 final of the Sandy Lane Charitable Trust Easter Road Tennis Tournament on Saturday at Golden Square.

Nurse defeated six-footer Tyrease Holder 20-22, 21-13, 21-17 in a match which totally entertained the large crowd ringing the sidelines.

The talented 17-year-old Nurse rushed to a 5-0 lead in the opening game with Holder locking at five before slipping to 7-13 as both players put on a display of top class tennis.

With the scores locking from 17 up to 20, after Nurse held game point 20-19, Holder eased home 22-20.  That drew a vicious response from his opponent in the second game. With his camp egging him on, Nurse blazed to a 15-6 lead and a drive to sow Holder.  The decider was set up after Holder escaped the pig but lost 13-21. (KB)

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