Sex offender jailed for four years

The Court must send a strong message that sexual offences, especially those against minors, will not be tolerated.

And as such, Justice Pamela Beckles sentence Rico Renaldo Edwards, 27, to four years and after deductions he will spend three years and seven months for indecently assaulting an 11-year-old boy while at a Cub Scouts camp in May 2015.

Edwards, of Sargeants Park, Foul Bay, St Philip, was back in the No. 5 Supreme Court after being convicted during an earlier sitting of the Sessions.

Justice Beckles noted after consideration of all circumstances, the court found the aggravating factors to be the seriousness of the offence and it being against a minor; the prevalence of such offences; the disparity in age between Edwards, who was 20 at the time, and the boy who was 11; the breach of trust; that the offence took place at a Cub Scout camp where campers should have felt protected; the effect the offence had had on the lives of those involved, especially the boy and his family; and the impact of the offence on the public and public confidence. (RA)

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