More changes to opposition coalition in Guyana

GEORGETOWN, Guyana – Former education minister, Dr Nicolette Henry, Wednesday announced her resignation from the National Assembly, paving the way for People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) leader Aubrey Norton to become the Opposition Leader.

Earlier this month, Norton was elected chairman of the opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC).

“I am forever grateful to the people of this country who afforded me the opportunity to serve them with professionalism and dignity,” Henry said, thanking former president David Granger and the outgoing opposition leader, Joseph Harmon.

She also expressed gratitude to the AFC and its leader Khemraj Ramjatta, adding “I want to thank each and every member in this House for the commitment and dedication they bring each and every day, sometimes under the most difficult circumstances.

“I thank my family who had my back and supported my every decision. Today it is with those words that I part company and I conclude my contribution to budget 2022,” she said.

At the end of her statement, opposition legislators gave a standing ovation to Henry, who has been an APNU+AFC parliamentarian since 2015.

Media reports said that Norton is expected to be sworn in as a Member of Parliament later this week and had been meeting with selected APNU+AFC legislators since Monday in an effort to decide who would step down and allow him to become a legislator.

Norton is expected to take up the vacant post of Opposition Leader afterwards. (CMC)

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