Mia’s whirlwind

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley is hitting five countries in two weeks in a whirlwind of engagements on the world stage.

She said the trips to the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ghana, France and China were work-related and necessary to attract opportunities for Barbados.

Since leaving the island last week, she has touched down in the European and African continents, with Asia next on Friday.

“Yes, it is a lot of travel, but in each instance there are things I have to do because of duty or that we are benefiting from in terms of opening up policy opportunity or flexibility, or in some instances substantive opportunities,” the Prime Minister told the Midweek Nation on Monday night in Accra, Ghana, moments before she departed for France.

After arriving on Sunday night in Ghana, Mottley addressed the 30th Afreximbank annual meeting the next morning and in the afternoon on unity between Africa and CARICOM, and debt restructuring, among other issues.   (AC)

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