Man owns up to ‘cell drop’

A man who breached security at a court complex to deliver a parcel that included marijuana, cell phones and other items to a prisoner, will learn his fate later this month.

Shaddrie Sheldon DaCosta Marshall, 34, of Lower Richmond Gap, St Michael, admitted that on May 9 this year, he was in possession of cannabis, intended to supply it and trafficked the substance; and that he trespassed by entering the area of the cells at the District ‘D’ Magistrates’ Court Complex in Cane Garden, St Thomas, that day, and introduced prohibited items into a prison.

On Wednesday when he returned to the same court, Marshall, who is serving a sentence for another matter, changed his plea from not-guilty, this time before acting Magistrate Kim Butcher.

He apologised for his actions and said he “won’t let it happen again”.  (SD)

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