Man gets time served for bullets

The four months Michael Anthony Brathwaite spent on remand was deemed his sentence for possession of two bullets when he reappeared in the No. 3 Supreme Court last Friday.

Brathwaite, 52, of no fixed place of abode, but who said he “frequents” Reed Street, had confessed to having the two rounds of 9 mm cartridges on March 17, 2019.

He was represented by Angella Mitchell-Gittens, while Senior State Counsel Neville Watson appeared for the State. He has 13 previous convictions.

“I want to apologise to the court for getting involved in the matter,” he said. “I was at the apartment. I is keep my clothes there and I went there to collect my clothes. The rounds of ammunition were there. They didn’t belong to me.”

Brathwaite said he preferred to pay a fine than “to be lock up for something that wasn’t mine”. (HLE)

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