Gunshot residue can deplete if a person washes his or her hands after handling a firearm, or touches numerous surfaces following a shooting incident.
In fact, the more surfaces they touch, the harder it is to register a positive result, and a person can wash away any trace of handling a gun with mere soap and water.
That was the testimony of forensic science expert Marsha Skeete as the trial of Hakeem Stuart continued yesterday in the No. 3 Supreme Court. Stuart, 24, of Shelbourne Gap, St Lawrence, Christ Church, has pleaded not guilty to murdering 32-year-old Damian Trotman on March 21, 2019, at Sheraton Centre, also in Christ Church.
Skeete said a black-peaked cap was delivered to her for DNA and gunshot residue analysis following the shooting. However, the cap was negative for nitrite and lead residues. (RA)