Former politician Dr Don Blackman passes away

Former Barbadian politician Dr Don Blackman has passed away in Florida, in the United States.

Blackman held various ministerial posts such as Minister of Transport and Works and was considered a controversial, yet charismatic politician.

Barbados Labour Party politician and Member of Parliament for St Michael East Trevor Prescod, speaking on Starcom Network today, said Blackman was a man of strong convictions, who worked to assist the poor.

Political analyst Peter Wickham, while speaking on radio programme Down To Brasstacks, described Blackman as a fascinating character. He said the former politician was a Pan Africanist some of whose goals were fulfilled by Prescod through the enfranchisement of the poor.

Blackman is well known for having crossed the floor. A January 6, 1991 article printed in The Daily Nation noted that: “surprise movements are a standard feature of Blackman’s”.

“On the eve of the 1986 General Elections, he kept the country guessing, then quit the Barbados Labour Party and announced he would be a candidate for the DLP [Democratic Labour Party]”.

Blackman was brought into politics by former Prime Minister Tom Adams. He was at the time a University professor in the US.

Since his retirement from politics in Barbados, Blackman is said to have lived in other Caribbean islands and the US. (KG)

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