Football friendly cancelled

Hours before kick-off on Sunday, the international friendly football match between Barbados and Honduras was cancelled.

“The match, originally set to be played today at the Olympia Stadium in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States, is abandoned after Honduras raised concerns; stating that the venue and conditions are not suitable for the teams to play. At this time, preparations are underway to ensure our delegation returns home safely,” said a brief statement from the Barbados Football Association on its Instagram page.

The Honduras FA also released a statement on the cancellation.

“This Federation analyses taking this situation before the competent courts against the promoter company, for the damage caused to the National team, both sporting by not being able to hold the match, and the conditions and expenses incurred by our institution,” it pointed out.

“The promoters breached several clauses of the contract, in addition to organising a match between two teams in a state that does not meet the minimum conditions required for games of this nature; without leaving aside the deplorable state of the training fields designated for the Honduran team”.

The FA also said it “will not allow our players to run the slightest risk of suffering an injury at any time and with the aim of safeguarding the physical state of each of the national players proceeded to notify the representative of the promoting company of the revision of the contract with immediate effect and consequently, the cancellation of the game”.

Organisers reportedly spent in excess of US$200 000 to pull together the logistics surrounding the match, including venue, security and paying the teams’ upfront costs.  (PR/SAT)

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