Fire leaves woman homeless

Fire victim Maxine Blunt is at the mercy of friends in order to find a place to sleep at night.

The Hopewell Tenantry, St Thomas woman had another stroke of misfortune when her two-bedroom home burnt on Friday night.

“I got the call around 7 last night (Friday). I wasn’t home, no one was at home,” she said adding that nothing was saved.

Crying as she spoke to the Sunday Sun, Blunt explained that her original home near the site of the house which burnt, had been severely damaged by Hurricane Elsa in July 2021. The 59-year-old moved into her current house in November as a result of Rural Development Commission relocating her while it repaired the former house.

At the time of the damage by Elsa there were three adults and a baby in the house but this time around it was just Blunt and her 21-year-old grandson as the others sought shelter elsewhere while awaiting the repairs to the house.

Blunt, who said she worked only two days a week, has been living in the area for 12 years. She said she spent Friday night at the home of friends. She was expected to do the same again last night.

She appealed for help in finding a place to relocate. (AC)


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