DLP announces shadow Cabinet

The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) has a new shadow Cabinet.
DLP President Dr Ronnie Yearwood made that announcement on Saturday at DLP headquarters, George Street, St Michael.
The shadow cabinet consists of Yearwood who is the Shadow Minister of Economic Affairs. Health will also fall under the Leader’s Office.
Attorney Michael Lashley is the Shadow Minister of Legal Affairs, Former Minister Richard Sealy will serve as their Shadow Minister of Tourism and Foreign Affairs.
Dr Felicia Dujon is the Shadow Minister of Education , Chair of the Young Democrats Tyra Trotman is the Shadow Minister of Culture, Youth & Sports, their Shadow Minister of Labour & Agriculture is Walter Maloney.
The body is also made up of Shadow Minister of Housing & Community Development Ricardo B. Harrison, Pastor Matthew Thorne is the party’s Chaplain and Shadow Minister of Poverty Alleviation & Human Development, Faith Greaves is the Shadow Minister of Social Services, Chair of the Democratic League of Women Melissa Savoury-Gittens is Shadow Minister of Gender Affairs, Rasheed Belgrave is Shadow Minister without portfolio in the Leader’s Office and Karina Goodridge is Shadow Minister without portfolio in the Leader’s Office.
Stefan Newton is the Special Envoy in the Leader’s Office. (TG)

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