Closer links with Guyana and Suriname

Barbados is forming closer economic ties with Guyana and Suriname.

Fresh from a four-day working visit in Guyana, Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley said there were wide-ranging discussions among the three countries which could lead to significant bilateral and trilateral relationships.

She also announced that Guyana was now a member of the Regional Security System.

Mottley pointed out that apart from discussions surrounding Guyana’s inaugural hosting of the International Energy Conference, the three countries examined ways of boosting their economies through food production, tourism and exchange of natural resources.

“We also engaged in bilateral discussions with Barbados and Suriname and trilateral discussions with Barbados, Guyana and Suriname to ensure that we can continue to do the things that would boost our economy and make life easier for our people,” the Prime Minister said.

“We are talking about . . . training and expanding production both in crop and livestock and then using Barbados as a logistic hub in order to be able to supply not only the Barbados market but other markets regionally and internationally.”

She said a group of Guyanese manufacturers will be coming to Barbados early in April to be look at products such as prefab houses and access to lumber.

In addition, Barbados will soon be providing training in hospitality to 6 000 Guyanese workers, she added.

The three countries will also be examining tourism co-branding, particularly with the European market, which will see tourists having the opportunity to visit two destinations in one trip.

International transport, and the availability of sand and limestone were also included in the talks. (MB)





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