Blackett: Stop it!

Indiscipline is creeping into the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), and general secretary Steve Blackett is sending a warning to senior members that it will not be tolerated.

“Indiscipline is one of the worst scourges that can affect any organisation . . . and if we don’t address this in the DLP we will find ourselves in a serious position.

“It is showing its ugly head, led by senior members presenting themselves as mischiefs in chief. I am watching and I will wrestle it to the ground with every last breath in my body,” he said.

Blackett was one of the speakers at a DLP zonal meeting of the St Lucy and St Peter constituencies at Big Don Bar, Benthams, St Lucy.

He did not go into details, and also came out in defence of president Dr Ronnie Yearwood, who he said was under attack from without and within. (Nation News)

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