This year’s AgroFest exhibition is set to kick off on February 24 under the theme Eat What We Grow, and Barbados Agricultural Society’s chief executive officer James Paul is promising a bigger and better show, but with fewer exhibitors.
He was speaking to the media during a site visit on Wednesday in Queen’s Park where the show is held annually.
Paul said the rabbit exhibition was set to be larger than last year, and patrons would have the opportunity to see the main attraction, the South-African-bred Boer goat.
“It is an unusual goat, and is usually for meat purposes that we bring it into Barbados. We were able to get those in and we wanted to show them more last year, but we couldn’t. We have enough numbers this year to show people what this Boer goat looks like,” Paul said.
“It is a wonderful animal, and certainly I would encourage people who want to go into goats, to look and see what they need to do. Come to AgroFest and you can speak to the people who are involved in the production of those Boer goats to see exactly what is happening.”
Additionally, Paul urged exhibitors to get on board early for the February 24 to 26 show as space would be limited. The show will not be returning to the neighbouring Weymouth fields this year.
He said there was a January 15 deadline, and while they were willing to work with exhibitors after that date, they should make early contact.
Paul also urged education officials to rethink the mid-term break set for February 23 and 24 as many students might be unable to attend. He said some only came to the agricultural show when teachers brought them on the Friday. (RA)