Bahamas police still probing rape allegation against MP

The Bahamas- Police say they are “still tidying up” their investigations into allegations that a sitting Member of Parliament sexually assaulted a woman at her home on April 4.

“The investigation is going well. The investigators are moving, dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s and then we will address it with our DPP office,” Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander told the Tribune newspaper.

“We are still tidying. Grand Bahama was viewing the file. Now it is here, so we are going now to view it and then now we will consult with our DPP office,” he said, without indicating when the police review would be completed.

The un-named woman, who is reported in the media as being an ex-girlfriend of the legislator, had filed the complaint on April 7 in Grand Bahama.

The woman said that she had been raped, choked and poked in the eye by the legislator, who also made death threats against her and her family during their relationship, prompting her to fear for her life.

The main opposition Free National Movement (FNM) has called on the police to vigorously investigate the assault allegations.

Former senator,  Heather Hunt, who last month, was part of a group of prominent women members of the FNM, told a news conference that “we want an aggressive and transparent investigation and we do not want a let’s see where this goes because that is the quote that came from the police when asked”. (CMC)

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