Year in Review: A drop in crime

In 2023, Barbados experienced a notable decrease in crime rates, particularly in homicides, which dropped from 43 in 2022 to 21 the subsequent year.

This marked the lowest murder rate for the island nation in the past decade. Police Commissioner Richard Boyce underscored the significant reduction, highlighting that the murder rate per capita for 2023 stood at 7 per 100 000, a considerable improvement from the 15 per 100 000 recorded in 2022.

Gang Truce

A pivotal turning point in crime reduction was attributed to a truce brokered between two prominent gangs in February 2023. Over 200 individuals from different blocks and communities, facilitated by the government’s intervention, gathered in Chapman Lane, The City, to pledge an end to the longstanding conflict. Winston “Iston Bull” Branch, a respected figure in Chapman Lane, played a role in mediating the truce.

Minister of Crime Prevention Corey Lane assured at the time that this move would serve in the best interest of the country. The intervention marked one of the few successes since Lane’s appointment as the Minister responsible for Crime Prevention, given his longstanding advocacy for youth.

Following the truce, Lane’s Ministry, under the Attorney General’s Office, attempted to further address the crime situation through social interventions. In April, the National Peace Programme was launched, focusing on helping at-risk youth get on track and steering them away from a life of crime and violence.

Another highly-touted social intervention program by the police commissioner was The Prince’s Trust International Team Programme. This 12-week development initiative targeted at-risk young persons between the ages of 16 and 25, teaching life skills and how to build resilience, while introducing them to tools enabling responsible societal membership.

Boyce said the success of the programme and turned the lives around of many at risk youth.

Gun concern

Despite the overall improvement in the crime situation, concerns lingered over the prevalence of guns and gun-related crimes, with at least 14 murders in 2023 attributed to firearms. In January, there were three recorded gun-related killings. Ramon Tyrone Archer, 33, was shot dead at Risk Road, Fitts Village, St James on January 6; and Dwayne Hall, 40, fell victim to an alleged home invasion at Coral Drive, Atlantic Shores, Christ Church, on January 25, 2023. Additionally, Norris Broomes, 44, of Rock Hall, St Lucy, was shot dead.

The year concluded tragically with the death of Mitchell Nicholls, 28, whose body was recovered from a well at Exchange Hill on December 29. Two men, Victor Martin Hoyte and Devere Elon Tony Gittens, were charged in connection with his death. 

As the prevalence of guns remain a concern, police on October 15, destroyed 168 guns at the Central Police Station, with Inspector Stephen Griffith stating, “These guns came into police custody through police investigations and others were returned by family members where the licensed holders are deceased.”

Drugs trafficking

Illicit drug trafficking remained a challenge, highlighted by significant busts, including a $1.7 million marijuana seizure that led to charges against five individuals in February 2023. Brittany Diamond Maurissa Worrell-Lucombe, of Chapel Gap, Paynes Bay, St James, was charged with importation, possession, possession with intent to supply, and trafficking of $1 747 600 worth of the illegal substance.

Another high-profile case involved the arrest of Tonneil Rowe, daughter of Member of Parliament Neil Rowe, on charges of drug trafficking, possession, supply, importation of marijuana, and money laundering.

Rowe was arrested at the Grantley Adams International Airport in possession of 30.45 kilograms of cannabis.

Safe Crop Over

While the Crop Over season saw relatively few violent incidents, including one shooting on Grand Kadooment Day, a concern during the season was security breaches and jouverts.

This was evident at ‘Powda’ in Vaucluse, St Thomas, held in July, which ended prematurely due to a major security breach.

Police confirmed breaches on the northern, southern, and western sides, with videos circulating on social media showing scores of young men and women, many with their faces concealed, scrambling over the fence to gain entrance. There was a mix of private security and police officers for the crowd, which exceeded 10 000.

Police reported that one man was beaten by a group of men, and when an off-duty officer intervened, he sustained a stab wound to the abdomen and was taken to surgery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

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