Unions ‘tired’ of sick buildings

Enough of the sick buildings!

Trade unionists want to see significant moves made to improve the conditions of workers in the coming year, mainly proper maintenance of buildings occupied by public servants.

Both general secretary of the National Union of Public Workers Richard Green, and head of Unity Workers’ Union Caswell Franklyn, recalled that throughout 2023, they were forced to respond to several cases involving sick buildings. Franklyn identified the environmental health concerns as a consequence of poor maintenance and ill-advised cost-cutting methods.

“You do not turn off the air-conditioning in a building on Friday and then turn them back on Monday morning because mould builds up in the vents when that happens. The next day when the thing starts, the air comes out dry, the mould is coming out through the vent, and people get sick. The [authorities] know this but they are trying to save a few dollars in electricity bills,” Franklyn claimed. (JRN)

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