Supermarket cashiers recall intrusion

Two cashiers recounted their experience when a man wearing a ski mask burst into Savings Plus Supermarket two years ago demanding money.

Kadeem Onan Vaughan, 28, of Literary Row, Cheapside, The City, and formerly of Belleplaine, St Andrew, has denied committing aggravated burglary by entering the Rock Dundo, St Michael supermarket as a trespasser and stealing $1436.85 and a $55 cash on July 16, 2021. He is alleged to have had a gun and cutlass at the time.

The case is being heard in Supreme Court No. 4A. Senior State Counsel Joyann Catwell and State Counsel Maya Kellman are prosecuting, while the accused is representing himself. Justice Wanda Blair is presiding.

On Tuesday, Nikita Lynch told the court the masked man was demanding money but she told him it was not easy to open her cash register “just so”. (SD)


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