St John school not safe, says BUT

The Barbados Union of Teachers (BUT) is calling for the health and safety of students and staff at St John Primary School to be taken seriously.

First vice-president and chairman of the Safety and Health Committee, Julian Pierre, made that plea after he said another staff member fell ill this week. He added this was not the first time someone there became sick after visiting or working at the Glebe Land, St John compound.

“Since I’ve been on the executive in 2017, there have been issues associated with the main building and the prefab building of the school. Once [you] go into that building, within a couple of minutes you have to clear your throat. Sometimes you may feel a burning sensation on your face and skin, and these are the same symptoms teachers and children have been experiencing,” Pierre said.

While noting that the main building was constructed with soft stone, he suggested the compound be cleared to allow for a thorough investigation to be carried out. (TG)

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