The following Easter message was submitted by Rev. Lucille Baird.
Hallelujah for Christianity!!!!
Matthew 28:6-7
“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
Biblical history accurately records the birth of Jesus, His cruel death by crucifixion, and His triumphant resurrection from the grave. His birth, His death, burial and his glorious resurrection are the cornerstones of Christianity—the greatest and most phenomenal spiritual awakening the world has ever experienced and will ever experience.
The Jesus of Christianity has given hope to the hopeless, peace in the midst of warfare and healing from sickness. The Jesus of Christianity has given a glorous hope beyond this life.
Yet, there have never ever been more challenges launched against any other religion, like those that have been released to discredit and make irrelevant, Christianity: The Christian religion. From His very birth, when Jesus suffered the threat of death by Herod, to His Crucifixion; The enemy of the Christian faith, has most definitely indicated to the whole world by his constant quest to obliterate the church, that this Jesus of Nazareth, the Carpenter’s Son, is truly the Son of God, the Lord of Lord’s and the King of Kings and the biggest threat, by far, to the Kingdom of Darkness and Satan.
I write this column against the backdrop of the Christian church having to endure the recent attack on Christianity by Mr. Andrew Bynoe through his “much-hailed” play. “The God within us.” This play expresses ridicule and cynicism over the doctrine of John Newton, the English evangelical Anglican cleric who wrote the famous and life-changing hymn “Amazing Grace.” This play calls for the removal of the impediment of Christianity and asks black people to look within themselves. It challenges “Traditional Christianity” especially among blacks who trust their salvation in a submissive interpretation of John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
It is said that” anyone who refuses to believe in someone higher and greater than himself is a total danger to himself.” I would submit that he is a danger to all those whom he may unfortunately influence.
The first great attack on Christianity was the idea that his disciples had come by night and stolen his body. That hoax was never given any credibility; two Marys and millions of pilgrims had been to His tomb, and many had seen Him after His death. His disciples ate with Him after his resurrection. Yearly, millions have accepted him as Saviour and worshipped him as Lord. There is now no need to worry about any weak attempt to defame Christianity. Many have tried and failed. Jesus, our redeemer, is alive and He lives for evermore. This is the most glorious story of Christianity.
I, too, have met Him and am thrilled to do so. When all is said and done, it’s the millions of saints who will be present at His coronation and will say with the angels of glory, “Hallelujah, what a King, Hallelujah, to the Lord.” Praise God for the hope that comes from Christianity.
A very blessed and glorious Easter 2024!
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