Pregnant woman tells of beating

Kemar Decoursey Bourne will be sentenced for beating the mother of his children when he returns before Magistrate Deborah Beckles in the District “A” Magistrates’ Court on February 7.

Last month, Bourne, 24, of Redman Village, St Thomas, pleaded guilty to assaulting Tiffanie Williams on August 4 this year. At the time he was appearing before Acting Magistrate Kim Butcher.

Prosecutor Sergeant Victoria Taitt told the court then that Bourne and Williams have three children together, but the relationship ended due to Bourne’s abusive behaviour.

On the day of the incident, Bourne went to talk to Williams and she, assuming it was about the children, agreed but discontinued the conversation after he suggested reconciliation. Later that day, Bourne hit Williams repeatedly after she disciplined one of their sons. (SD)

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