‘Nothing to outlaw noise pollution’

There is nothing in place that outlaws noise pollution in Barbados, says Attorney General Dale Marshall.

He was responding to a complaint from a St Michael resident who said she is being bombarded with noise from a nightclub almost 24/7.

The woman was speaking at the Barbados Labour Party’s St Michael Speaks town hall meeting at Solidarity House, Harmony Hall, on Monday night.

During the four-hour session, the 11 St Michael Members of Parliament, along with some of their colleagues, listened to constituents expressing grievances, offering solutions and also some praise on topics such as alternative energy, road repairs, property conveyance, and judicial and prison reform.

Marshall said the Government had dealt with the kite-flying “which was a significant element of annoyance posed to Barbadians . . . but noise pollution as a whole is going to be a much more complicated matter”. (JS)

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