Judge lambastes woman beater

Justice Wanda Blair did not mince words in sentencing Kareem Jabari Daniel recently after he beat a woman.

The convicted man, 31, of Ellerton, St George, caused serious bodily harm to Nakisha Eversley on May 29, 2014, after she and the mother of his child were in a heated argument outside the school that morning. He also admitted damaging Eversley’s tablet and bracelet she received as birthday gifts the day before the beating.

Daniel showed up after the fight between the two women ended, confronted Eversley, daring her to call his name and when she did, he started beating her. After she fell Daniel then hit her with a chair and damaged her items.

“This offence was committed with no provocation. You essentially went in front of Ellerton Primary School that morning to pick up fire-rage for your girlfriend and once she (Eversley) responded to your unwelcome comments, you wasted no time in attacking her. . .,” the judge said. (SD)

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