Independence Message: BWU General Secretary Toni Moore

BWU Toni Moore

The 2024 Independence Day Message from the Barbados Workers Union (BWU) General Secretary Toni Moore.

Comrades and fellow Barbadians,

Today, we celebrate our Independence Day—a testament to our journey as a proud, resilient nation. November 30th reminds us of the battles fought and won for the right to determine our own destiny. It’s a legacy of courage and perseverance that we at the Barbados Workers’ Union, draw upon as we confront the challenges of our time.

Our fight for fair treatment in the workplace mirrors the struggle for independence. We see it in the push for just contracts and in the demand for safe working conditions. These are fundamental rights that we must safeguard.

In this spirit, I present to you a mantra that will help to guide us forward: “Bet Who Bet You.” This is something you’ll be hearing from us frequently in the coming year. It means placing our trust and our efforts with those who have the best interests of workers at heart. It’s about supporting businesses and leaders who champion fairness, who fight for workers rights, and who believe in the power of collective progress.

Let’s rally behind this idea, drawing strength from our shared heritage. Our independence was earned through unity, it is this same unity that will drive us forward. Let’s support those who invest in our workforce, who uphold our values, and who contribute to the well-being of our nation. “Bet Who Bet You” isn’t just a catchy slogan; it’s a commitment to a future where every worker feels the impact of progress.

As we celebrate our nation’s accomplishments, let’s not forget the victories we’ve achieved together. From leadership on the global stage sitting on international labour governing bodies to most recently securing better conditions for our members at BICO, we continue to demonstrate the strength of our resolve.

Looking ahead, we must stay true to the principles of fairness, equity, and solidarity. By betting on each other, we create a Barbados where progress is shared, where every worker’s voice is heard, and where our nation’s future is bright with promise.

Happy Independence Day, Barbados. Together, let’s continue to forge a future where every achievement is a testament to our collective strength.

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