Homeless in The City attacked and injured

One man is assisting police with investigations into an attack on members of the homeless community in the wee hours of Sunday morning.

Initial reports say an unknown number of young men attacked and injured homeless people at Golden Square, Independence Square and National Heroes Square.

Police spokesman inspector Rodney Inniss, said they were informed around 3 a.m. Sunday, that some young people threw stones and other missiles at vagrants who were in Freedom Square in The City.

Meanwhile, the Barbados Alliance to end Homelessness said they are received complaints from several clients about the incidents, which also occurred at Bay Street and the Treasury Building.

“Several of our clients were seriously beaten, with one client’s injuries resulting in memory loss; another stabbed, a female client was slapped in the face, several other clients received burst heads and damages to their bodies, clients as young as 30 to clients as old as 82 were attacked,” the organisation noted.

“BAEH wishes to remind the public that the homeless are human beings, and despite their situation must be treated as such. Violence against the homeless and vulnerable must not be tolerated, and we are therefore calling for the full weight of the law. BAEH is also pleading with businesses around the areas mentioned who have cameras to share the footage with the police to help bring these people to justice.” (PR/SAT)

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