Government cybersecurity boost in the works

With thousands of cybersecurity attacks occurring across the Caribbean each day, the Government of Barbados is putting measures in place to protect digital data.

Minister of Innovation, Science and Smart Technology Davidson Ishmael said while many of those attacks were only designed to “humbug the place”, it was critical to safeguard systems.

“. . . As you go through your development as a country and as a Government, you continue to enhance the ability to protect your various critical assets. We have already put several systems in place with several layers of security to protect the critical assets of our Government and our Government infrastructure,” he noted.

And the ultimate aim is to have one seamless system across the various ministries.

“You have one ministry department or agency doing it one way and one set of systems and you have another ministry department agency doing it their way, with another set of systems. We are trying to coordinate a lot of those systems so that they speak to one another. So that when we implement a security protocol, when we implement a solution from a cybersecurity perspective, or otherwise that we can have full protection of all of the various ministries, departments and agencies,” he said. (Nation News)

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