Christmas Message: Don’t lose hope

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has painted a picture of hope against a backdrop of difficulties in 2023 as she addressed Barbadians in her Christmas Day Message today.

Mottley, like President The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason in her Christmas Day Message, acknowledged that peace appeared under threat, but both called on Barbadians to use the spirit of the season and acts of kindness to triumph.

“The ravages of the climate crisis require high capital costs, but the resources immediately available are inadequate. The difficulties with the supply chains and our economy still trying to recover from the blows of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to global fears and indeed uncertainty.

See the full message below:

Hello, everyone. Yes. Yes. The holiday season is here, with its celebration of Christmas that is so special to all of us. We all know that there’s really no other time of the year that is quite like this one. Even the atmosphere feels different and we love it when we wake up in these December mornings and feel the difference in the breeze.

Barbadians and people all over the world, including me, are pausing from the stresses and challenges of daily life to be able to participate in this special festival that celebrates the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We’re pausing to make time for family and friends and loved ones and to reflect on the Christ Child whose birth is at the centre of this season of peace, love and goodwill.

Indeed, today, Christmas Day, as we look back on the past year, we are again reminded of what is truly important – the building of relationships and friendship, the love of friends and family, the value of the human person, extending kindness even to strangers. Joy, my friends, in the simple things of life, the triumph of the human spirit over adversity and indeed the hope for the future which we find in our faith and our religious traditions.

These enduring and anchoring values assume much greater importance this year as we come to grips with the multitude of conflicts and challenges that have tested our resilience. The ravages of the climate crisis require high capital costs, but the resources immediately available are inadequate. The difficulties with the supply chains and our economy still trying to recover from the blows of the COVID-19 pandemic have led to global fears and indeed uncertainty.

In the Caribbean, our zone of peace appeared to be under threat. Whether local, regional or international, violence and disputes of any kind are unwelcomed and force our attention away from our development objectives, as well as the safety, security and prosperity that our people deserve.

Despite the difficulties of 2023, I genuinely believe that the future remains bright. The incidence of serious crimes has been lowered. Several major capital projects are coming on stream, new opportunities are opening up and the country remains united. The sacrifices we have made and the work we have been doing as government and citizens are beginning to yield fruit. Our work at International Advocacy is creating benefits for all here at home.

The Government of Barbados will continue, always, to put Barbadians first. Working with every sector, every organisation, every political party to reach this bright future together. We will continue to share both the burden and the benefits, living with hope and living in unity.

Whether one thinks of the family of humanity, the family of Christians, the family of Barbadians, or the family of Caribbean people, we are all one family and we should act with a sense of responsibility to family members.

My friends, let us embrace the Christmas spirit, recognising that it is by our actions towards each other that we either add to or diminish the peace in the world. Let us also remember that the gift of a Saviour is the reason for this season. We may not be able to give expensive store-bought gifts, but the gift of our time, our talents and our empathy all have great value to those who are the recipients.

I often remind you that the greatest gift to me is the generosity of spirit that can be found in our bosom. I ask you, therefore, my friends, that as we navigate the uncertainties of our times to let us try to live with greater meaning, to make people our priority, to consciously work, to make our nation better, by doing our best wherever, whenever and however we can, and by living with the Christmas spirit as an integral part of our daily lives and the way in which we treat to others. That Christmas spirit ought to be there each and every day.

It is with this message of hope, my friends, this wish for peace, this exhortation to love and to manifest goodwill that on behalf of the Government of Barbados, on behalf of the Barbados Labour Party, on behalf of my family and indeed myself, I wish all Barbadians at home and abroad and all friends of Barbados who are here with us or abroad, a Christmas filled with joy.

May God continue to bless you each and every one of you. And may God continue to bless our beloved nation this Christmas, and always. Have a wonderful day. Don’t drink too much. Don’t eat too much and keep in focus, 2024 will be bigger and better if we live the Christmas spirit each and every day.

Thank you.

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