Canada wants closer ties to Caricom

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there is need for even greater cooperation between Canada and CARICOM to achieve their common objectives.

In his opening remarks at the first Canada/CARICOM Summit in Ottawa yesterday, Trudeau cited the conflict in the Middle East as an example of “the great turbulence” in the world, and the challenge which it could pose to countries such as Canada and those in CARICOM.

He said it was therefore important to tighten the long-established bond between the two regions.

“Canada is proud of its strong development co-operation with the Caribbean region,” he said, but added there was much more work to be done.

Several CARICOM heads of government, including Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, are participating in the two-day summit at which Trudeau also announced the launch of the CARICOM/Canada Strategic Partnership. He maintained that “deepening and strengthening our relationship will help us tackle urgent challenges together”. (GC)

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