BWU and Transport Board continue talks on worker issues

Just two and a half weeks after the January 23 work stoppage by Transport Board employees, the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) is reporting significant progress on several key issues that led to that action being taken.

Intense negotiations with members of the Transport Board’s board of management and the BWU took place this morning at Solidarity House, discussing several matters before the Transport Board for consideration of advancement.

Some of these matters include, but are not limited to, acting appointments, health and safety issues, and human resources matters, especially regarding roles and functions within the organisation.

While the Transport Board’s management has not yet been able to close out all the outstanding issues, it has given the assurance an attempt will be made to investigate all matters to find a resolution in the shortest time possible.

Some of the significant issues that led to last month’s work stoppage have been identified as discrimination, victimisation and favouritism. As it relates to these matters, the Transport Board has said it is committed to compile its own information to present at the next meeting with the Barbados Workers’ Union.

At that meeting, the BWU will place sharp focus on appointments and human resources matters.

The Transport Board indicated by then it would be better positioned to respond after completing further investigations. (PR/SAT)


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