Bajans back home

Barbadians who were stranded in St Lucia last week are back home, arriving through the same airline that cancelled their flights.

Scores of passengers alighted from the specially arranged Air Antilles flight around 12:24 a.m. yesterday relieved to be on home soil.

“I don’t know who arranged it or pushed to get it come through, but whoever it is I thank them because I very glad to get home. I don’t know who got the plane but thank you for sending that 72-seater; it fit everybody,” said entertainer Roy Downes, one of the passengers.

His group Scooby And The Gang that included Janelle Morris and Dario Grandison, had their flights unexpectedly cancelled last Tuesday after visiting St Lucia to take part in its carnival, which climaxed the same day. The cancellation was attributed to strike action by Air Antilles workers. (AC)

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