Antigua Opposition boycotts budget debate

St John’s, Antigua – Opposition legislators on Tuesday boycotted the first day of the debate on the EC$1.3 billion (One EC dollar=US$0.37 cents) budget Prime Minister Gaston Browne delivered to Parliament last Friday, insisting that there was not enough time to adequately prepare to debate the fiscal package.

When Browne had finished delivering the budget after more than three hours, Attorney-General Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin moved a motion for the debate to begin at 9:30 a.m. (local time) on Monday.

However, the opposition said they were in not in favour and instead moved a counter motion that the debate begin on Thursday, December 21. They refused to budge from their position.

But the government said that the debate had to begin early because of the unavailability of some ministers who would be travelling overseas on official business.

Following the intervention of the Speaker, Sir Gerald Watt, the government’s compromise motion was put to the floor, calling on the debate to start on Tuesday.

All the government legislators present voted in favour, with the opposition maintaining its stance that the debate should begin on Thursday, even as Opposition Leader, Jamale Pringle said the time period is “unfair”.

Government legislators, including Sports Minister Daryl Matthew, Housing Minister Maria Browne, Tourism Minister Max Fernandez and Foreign Affairs Minister EP Chet Greene, have all made their contributions to the debate, criticising the decision of the opposition.

The government controls nine of the 17 seats in Parliament. (CMC)

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