Slasher to pay $10 000 to victim

The man who slashed his brother’s girlfriend in the face after an argument was ordered to pay compensation when he appeared in the No. 5 Supreme Court yesterday.

Kevin Glenroy Sealy, of 2nd Avenue, Licorish Village, My Lord’s Hill, St Michael, had pleaded guilty to unlawfully and maliciously wounding Patty-Claire Davis on March 15, 2015.

He had been arraigned with the more serious count of unlawfully wounding Davis with intent on the same date but had denied it.  He was represented by attorney Shadia Simpson, while Principal State Counsel Krystal Delaney and State Counsel Tito Holder appeared for the prosecution.

Justice Pamela Beckles ordered Sealy to pay $10 000 compensation, $4 500 of which was due immediately, with the remainder by October 27, or face three years in prison. (HLE)

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