BWA to residents in north: Hold on

The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) has spent almost $25 million “over the last few years” to fix ongoing water woes to the north, and they are asking residents to bear with them a little longer.

Speaking on the Starcom Network’s Sunday Brass Tacks which was moderated by Dr Kristina Hinds, director of engineering Charles Leslie said many problems could be traced to the aged network, which they were in the process of replacing.

“Some of the pipelines in St Lucy and St Peter were installed as far back as the 1950s and all of these mains were metallic. They did not have the cement lining which is used today to protect metal pipes from corrosion,” he explained.

“Much of this aged network is contributing to several water-related issues like discolouration of the water, because the pipelines are aged. However, last year we did an assessment and there were about 120 kilometres that we have to address urgently and 30 in the St Lucy area alone. At least 35 kilometres of mains have been identified for replacement and this we estimate will be at a cost of $35 million.” (Nation News)

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