Psychiatric inmate: I need to be free!

After more than 40 years at the Psychiatric Hospital, Theo Bourne let his voice be heard when he made only his second appearance before the No. 2 Supreme Court yesterday.

Choked with emotion and speaking so quickly at times as to be unintelligible, the 63-year-old declared: “I need to be free. I have gone through the programmes for almost 15 years, worked in the storeroom for another 15, 16; moved from A Ward.

“I could handle myself. I need to be free. I no longer want to be in the Psychiatric Hospital. I want to be free. It’s about time. I never fight with anybody. Your Honour, I don’t want to be there. I don’t want to be there.”

Bourne, along with John Brathwaite, are serving King’s Pleasure at the Psychiatric Hospital.

He has so far spent 41 years having been sent there on October 23, 1980, while Brathwaite has been there since October 1988, for a total of 33 years.  (HLE)

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