Shaken’ by robbery at gun point

Hands down the worst day of her life.

That was how aggravated burglary complainant Lystra Ramsay described the morning that four gun-toting masked men broke into her house, tied her up, threatened her life and then robbed her of jewellery and money.

“I’m a wreck. I’m paranoid. If anxiety was a person that would be me. When I go out at night to put out garbage I’m always looking over my shoulder wondering if I am being watched,” she said, when asked how she felt in the aftermath of the home invasion.

The complainant, who was testifying last week in the trial of Leross Burnett in the No. 3 Supreme Court, recalled she was awakened in the early hours of October 10, 2016, by a light in her face while her husband was out collecting his workers.

Noting that she was “confused” since she was still sleepy, the complainant said she realised three men were in the bedroom. (HLE)

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