‘Do more’ for black business

Government is being urged to change its procurement policies so black businesses can get more work.

“Black businesses are struggling and they will continue to struggle despite some having success over the years,” director of the Everson R. Elcock & company Ltd, Adrian Elcock, told an audience attending a panel discussion on the topic Black Business in Barbados: Struggles, Successes, Future.

The panel discussion on Wednesday was organised by the National Library Service at the Courtney Blackman Grande Salle, Central Bank of Barbados (CBB), to mark Heritage Month and the National Insurance Scheme’s achievement of 55 years of service.

Elcock said government was the largest procurer of goods and services.

“Unless government examines its procurement policies seriously and have consultations with people to make sure that those who can benefit, they understand how they can benefit, and those who are impacted, they understand how they are impacted the ecosystem is going to fail.” (HH)

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