Members of Constitutional Review Commission sworn in

The ten Barbadians who will jointly chart a new path that will lead to a new Constitution were sworn in early this morning at State House.

Acting President of Barbados, Reverend Jeffrey Gibson first swore in Chairman of the Constitutional Review Commission, retired Court of Appeal Judge, Christopher Blackman.

The retired jurist, followed by former Attorney General, Adriel Brathwaite; former president of the Senate, Kerryann Ifill; attorneys-at-law Gregory Nicholls and Sade Jemmott; businessman Christopher De Caires, the Reverend John Rogers, Muslim activist Sulieman Bulbulia, youth activist Khaleel Kothdiwala, and president of the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union, Mary-Ann Redman; all took an Oath of Allegiance.

Attorney General, Dale Marshall, revealed the Commission’s work would commence in earnest on Friday, and it would be seeking significant input from the Barbadian public via a number of in-person and electronically streamed consultations.

Marshall added that he thought the Commission was extremely balanced and well placed to build a new Constitution of Barbados.

The Commission will have an 18-month timeline to complete its work, but Marshall indicated the current Constitution was such a broad document, the final report might take the Commission’s work past the original timeline. (BA)


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