Direct deposit payments for child maintenance on the way

The Registration Department is upgrading its Child Maintenance Payment System to facilitate payments to direct deposits via bank or credit union accounts and a new card system.

To ensure a smooth transition from physical cheques to these new methods of payment, people who are currently collecting maintenance payments can expect a notification from the accounts department of the Registry. On receiving the form, complete it and return it to the accounts department of the Registry on or before May 31, via the following methods:

Mail:  Accounts Section, Registry Department, Supreme Court Complex, Whitepark Road, St Michael.

Email: or

By hand: Accounts Section, Registry Department, Supreme Court Complex, Whitepark Road, St Michael.

The Registry advises persons without a bank or credit union account to return the form with this information clearly indicated. The accounts department will then assist you with the acquisition of an account and debit card form from a banking institution. This will be done free of cost. (PR/KNB)

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