Indecent post lands ex in trouble

Rico Ricardo Grazette and Antonio Ricardo Reece found everything that had occurred in the District “A” Magistrates’ Court extremely amusing yesterday.

They laughed at the cases which went before theirs, the comments from other accused and how Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes dealt with them.

But they stopped laughing when they were each slapped with an 18-month jail term for robbery.

“Eighteen months?” Grazette asked as if he thought he had heard incorrectly.

“That’s two years,” he said, almost incredulously, as Reece looked at Chief Magistrate Weekes as if he was in shock.

Grazette, 22, of 2nd Avenue, Cutting Road, Haggatt Hall, St Michael, and Reece, 36, of Well Gap, Cave Hill, St Michael, had been jointly charged with robbing Ronanson Bowen of his wallet, $15 and his Barbados identification card on December 24. They both pleaded guilty.(HLE)

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