Christmas Message: Overcoming the darkness

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not…” – John 1:5-9 KJV 

Our world is in chaos and darkness; there are wars and conflicts; there is turmoil and confusion; and yes, “half-truths and fake news”.

As we celebrate the coming of Jesus to the world, we offer reflections on the many ways we, and our whole world, navigate the mystery of darkness, sitting with our needs and pains of our day, and recommitting to truth and justice.

As spiritual people, we are called to stand, stand up and face fear, falsehood, selfishness and greed. We are called to stand united, together in hope for the world. We stand in courage, creativity, inspiration, dedication and love.

As we celebrate this Christmas season, let us be inspired. Let us embody the example set. It is not just the story of Jesus, it is one of overcoming the darkness. Jesus symbolises that element of light that pierces the darkness of each dawn that ushers it away with each minute of the rising sun. It is the kind of contradiction in this world, that the darkness does not even understand or comprehend His light. John 1:5 says: “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not…”

Let this time of celebration be a time reflecting our affirmation to life and hope. Let our reflections enable us to live for truth and to strive for redemption. Let us not settle, nor let others settle, to condone violence, heat (global warming), darkness and fear.

Let our celebration continue to contradict the message of self-destruction. Let it be a measure of our heartfelt joy. Let us continue to labour for the health and healing of our economy, society, region and the earth itself. Let us rejoice. The light shines in our darkness.

Let us remain bright and warm. May the light shine through the darkness, illuminating our journey to wholeness, to authentic discipleship, to justice and to peace on earth. May the love and light of Jesus fill our hearts and lives this Christmas and always.

– Chairman of Barbados Christian Council, Rev. Dr. Cicely Athill-Horsford

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