Manslayer’s three cases adjourned

Triple killer Ramario Antonio Roach had his matters adjourned as his attorney asked for more time to prepare submissions.

Roach, 22, of Ocean Breeze, River Bay, St Lucy, was back in the No. 4 Supreme Court last Wednesday, where he had been accused of murdering Tyrone Austin on December 18, 2018; murdering his mother Joann Roach between January 18 and 21, 2019, and murdering university lecturer Sarah Sutrina between January 20 and 22, 2019.

He pleaded not guilty to the murders but guilty to manslaughter – unlawfully killing them – on the same dates.

He was represented by attorney Kyle Walkes, while Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Alliston Seale, SC, and State Counsel Maya Kellman, Treann Knight and Paul Prescod appeared for the prosecution. (HLE)

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