Man owns up to study group ‘licks’

A study group erupted into blows leading to a charge of unlawful and malicious inflicting of serious bodily harm on a woman which came before the High Court yesterday.

Athelbert Ricardo Forde, 42,  admitted beating his former workmate Amanda Morris, on March 28, 2009. Forde, 42, of 500 Emerald Park West, St Philip pleaded guilty to the offence on November 2 this year.

State Counsel Paul Prescod referred to the complainant’s statement to the police when he informed Justice Elwood Watts about the facts in the No. 2A Supreme Court yesterday.

In the statement Morris explained that she and Forde were workmates at Prism and on the day of the incident, they were all studying for a BIMAP examination, using Forde’s computer. He was leading the study group but began asking questions and scrolling through the work so quickly, that she could not keep up. (SD)

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