Murderer: I still love my wife

A court yesterday heard how murderer Sean Anthony Watson stalked, shadowed and constantly ghost called his estranged wife weeks before he broke into her home, lay in wait for her, tied her up and then stabbed her in the neck.

These were some of the facts outlined to the No 2 Supreme Court when Watson confessed to murdering his wife more than 11 years ago.

Now 46, the architectural draughtsman, of Ridge View, Bannantyne Gardens, Christ Church, was arraigned with murdering his estranged wife Nicole Harrison-Watson on April 28, 2012. He pleaded not guilty to that count but guilty to non-capital murder.

Director of Public Prosecutions Donna Babb-Agard, SC, and Principal State Counsel Olivia Davis appeared for the State, while Watson was represented by attorney Brian Weekes, who requested a pre-sentencing report.

Justice Randall Worrell ordered the report and remanded the killer, who had been on bail since 2016, to Dodds Prison pending sentencing. He reappears on December 14. (HLE)

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