Teach Morals 101!

Teaching moral values at schools could lead to a reduction in violence and bullying, says Dean of the St Michael’s Cathedral Dr Jeffrey Gibson.

If those values are not imparted to the children, he added, Barbadian society could be left with many certified people without moral compasses.

The senior Anglican cleric shared that message during his sermon as the cathedral, on All Saints Day, hosted a service to mark the 75th anniversary of Erdiston Teachers’ Training College.

Among those in the congregation were Minister of Education Kay McConney, Chief Education Officer Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw and principal of the college Dr Colin Cumberbatch.

“In addition to parents, teachers spend significant periods of the day with children. Moral lessons ought to be taught at home and nurtured through participation in the faith communities, the community’s rituals and disciplines,” Gibson said. (TG)

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