Teen pleads guilty to assault

Three of them were walking together on the day a schoolboy was beaten for his money, but Sharal Shem Rashad Bostic ended up in the dock of a Bridgetown court yesterday.

Bostic, 19 and unemployed, of Fairfield Road, Carrington Village, St Michael, appeared in the District “A” Magistrates’ Court No. 2, where he pleaded guilty to assaulting the boy with intent to rob him on May 4 this year.

Prosecutor Constable Troy Tudor told the court that the complainant was a fourth form student who was in Bridgetown with two other friends. They were walking towards the Granville Williams Bus Terminal and as he reached the steps of the terminal, Bostic and two of his friends surrounded him, restricting his movement.

One of them requested money, but the teenager told them he only had bus fare. The assailant then began patting him down and searching his pockets. The complainant pushed the assailant’s hands away and was punched in the face. (SD)

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