Bajans urged to take preventative measures against Dengue

The Ministry of Health and Wellness has confirmed a dengue fever outbreak in Barbados.

Health officials say the threshold was reached at the end of September where 518 cases (both suspected and confirmed) were recorded. In the same period during 2022 there were 241 cases.

The following are some of the symptoms of Dengue Fever:

High temperature
Severe Headaches
Muscle pain
Joint pain
Vomiting & Feeling of Nausea
A characteristic skin rash.
Swollen glands
A blotchy rash made up of flat or slightly raised spots.

Chief Medical Officer, Dr The Most Honourable Kenneth George is urging members of the public to take immediate protective actions that include:

Source reduction – removal of sites and receptacles where stagnant water can collect. For example, the overflow dishes of plant pots in homes, plant cuttings and discarded tyres,
using mosquito repellent on the skin,
wearing light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and long pants, particularly during peak biting times – dusk and dawn,
using mosquito nets over infant beds, cribs, carriers and strollers,
and installing window and door screens to keep out mosquitoes.

The Chief Medical Officer says the Ministry of Health and Wellness will use the location of reported suspected and confirmed dengue cases to inform its fogging campaign. (JC/PR)

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