Morris: No need for 30 MPs

Former parliamentarian and retired trade unionist Robert “Bobby” Morris says Barbados needs highly-qualified public servants and not more politicians.

Speaking at the Christ Church Foundation School on Thursday night at the second town hall meeting organised by the Parliamentary Review Commission, he said the country did not need 30 elected Members of Parliament.

“Tell me why you need 30 constituencies in this 2×3 place?” he asked.

“What I want to see in Barbados is highly-qualified public servants that can deliver in every area. Highly-qualified public servants rather than more and more politicians being elected to a House of Assembly,” the former Ambassador to CARICOM stated.

“We have to spend more money in the people who have to deliver programmes. Politicians don’t deliver programmes. It is the public sector that has to deliver and the private sector working with them,” Morris added. (HH)

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